Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

On the 8th I turned the big 32. In honor of this great occasion we drove up to Bremerton to celebrate with Grandma, Papa and the Martins. Jessica made me a spectacular cake!
From 2012-12-09 mom's birthday
 Who's in the cake, you may ask... Why yes, yes it is Merida. A confectionery marvel. We had a wonderful dinner complete with Moo Goo Gai Pan! Yum! Then I opened my lovely gifts and we had cake.
From 2012-12-09 mom's birthday
 Then with the help of my Lovely Sister, Daniel and I went to see:
From 2012-12-09 mom's birthday
 And yes, the dragon did try to eat me. It was Spectacular! I was blown away. We loved it. The pictures are not the greatest, but you get the idea of how amazing it is.

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