Thursday, April 5, 2012

Stephen's Wedding

As per our usual we went on a whirlwind ride down to UT for my Brother-in-laws Wedding. We left on Wednesday night after dining with the missionaries. We drove three hours to Pendleton, OR. Stayed the night and woke up Thursday Morning to this:
From 2012-03-25 Stephen's wedding
 Nice huh? Luckily the sun came out and it turned into a beautiful day. We headed south and soon found ourselves in Idaho. Great! Only a scant 7 hours to go right? Not when Lizzy realizes that needing a potty break means free time out of the car. Yes, folks, she pulled this one out at least every half hour down to at some intervals of 10 minutes! Finally we refused to give her any liquid refreshment whatsoever, regardless of the pleas of "I'm Thirsty..." and told her that there would be no more bathroom breaks until we reach Uncle Sal's! After that announcement we finally made some head way. It was after 7 when we finally arrived in American Fork. Caitlin made her famous Mac and Cheese and then we settled in for the night. The kids did pretty good.  Then dawned the day of the Wedding.
From 2012-03-25 Stephen's wedding
After a brief breakfast we set out. First we headed to the church where the reception was to be held and met the groom outside. He filled us in on what needed to be done and we set to work.
From 2012-03-25 Stephen's wedding
Here's how the set up turned out. Nice huh? I liked the simple rustic chicness of it. Stephen had some wonderful friends helping out. We set up for the luncheon downstairs. Their building has 4 floors and 2 chapels that double as cultural halls. Then we ran to Tabitha's house. She was kind enough to watch the kiddos while we went to the Provo Temple. Luckily my phone has GPS! I haven't been there since I was in the MTC. We quickly found out  that driving on I5 was pointless so we stuck to State Street. The ceremony was beautiful and I was happy to welcome Heather as a member of the family. As we waited outside for the new couple to appear I was pleased to notice this sweet sister:
From 2012-03-25 Stephen's wedding
 They think of everything here!  Here they are! Don't they look happy?
From 2012-03-25 Stephen's wedding
 And here's one of my favorites:
From 2012-03-25 Stephen's wedding
The day was perfect and after taking some pictures Daniel and I went to pick up the kids and head back to the church for the luncheon. It was fun to finally get to talk to the family. Next we hollowed out a ton of bread bowls and then I followed Lizzy and Charles outside and watched them play. Here's Lizzy showing off her skills:
From 2012-03-25 Stephen's wedding
 Then I went to Caitlin's to recruit her help in getting a present for Theya, my niece. We waited until Sal came home then headed to the Peppermint place to pick up some candy and then headed to Smiths where I picked up some painting supplies for Theya. After Sal dropped us off at his house, Lizzy and I ran to the reception. It was nice and soup was Superb.
From 2012-03-25 Stephen's wedding
 Daniel and Tony took up posts keeping the buffet filled. They did a great job. I was a little disappointed that there was no dancing, but I was feeling a little ill anyway so it was probably a good thing. Daniel was too busy to dance anyway. I am so grateful to Cynthia! She held Charles most of the day for me. Then after cleaning up we went back to Sal's to rest. We said our goodbyes in the morning and went to Lowes to make a project with Tabitha and then spent a few hours with them before heading back home. It was a fun trip.

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