Thursday, March 1, 2012

Charles the Man

This past month I have had some pretty amazing encounters with Charles. At 15 months he is well on his way of proving his manhood! For example: he found a shard of glass in his room so what does he do with it? He pops it in his mouth and chews on it until Grandma notices it and gets it removed. Very Manly. Then, when Dad wasn't looking he stole his tools and replaced them with his own toy tools. And finally to secure his independence he decided to quit nursing cold turkey. The last one was particularly hard for me. I was not prepared when he turned away mid-nurse and refused to continue. Oh well, we were weening anyway, he just decided to get it over with a little earlier then I. I am eagerly waiting the next manly development! Click on the video below to catch him in action.

From Leap Day
 PS: just yesterday Charles climbed up in a chair and when Daniel sat down in the other chair he nonchalantly said, I kid you not, "Hey Dad." To which Daniel replied, just as nonchalantly, "Hey Charles." After which Charles neatly removed his diaper without removing his pants. Because that's how we roll.

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