Tuesday, November 15, 2011

They Finally Got Married

 Sal and Caitlin were married on Nov. 5th. The ceremony was so beautiful and we couldn't have asked for a nicer day. The bride and groom looked so happy. Afterward we all went to The Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner. Except from the pollen getting all over us, it was a pleasant day.
 We had the reception the following Sat. in the new Central Valley building. I had planned the decorations and Daniel helped me put them up. We make a great team. It only took us 3 hours to set everything up. I think it turned out nice. The pictures don't do it justice.
From 2011-11-14 Sal's Reception
Charles had fun playing with the lines:
From 2011-11-14 Sal's Reception
Sal and Caitlin had fun dancing to "Moondance."
From 2011-11-14 Sal's Reception
It was fun to watch. The cake was beautiful and Daniel and I even got to dance a little bit! The church was so perfect, we didn't have all the things we needed, but the church had them. That was a blessing. Daniel and I started the tradition of cutting the cake with a sword. It is traditional in Spain. Sal used his Calvary sword he got on his mission.
 We had the best photographer! Doranda Woestman! Check out some of her pics from her blog: http://watchoutforthewoestmans.blogspot.com/2011/11/more-wedding-pics.html  and http://watchoutforthewoestmans.blogspot.com/2011/11/sal-and-caitlin.html

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