Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's My Party

From 2011-11-23 Charles 1st birthday
Charles turned one on the 22nd. We had a great day getting ready for it. Charles helped clean and Lizzy helped me bake the cake.
From 2011-11-23 Charles 1st birthday
We had the Martins over for lumpia and red rice and then we let Charles open gifts and ATTACK CAKE. Here the girls are helping him figure it out:
From 2011-11-23 Charles 1st birthday

It was quite fun. He even chucked a piece of cake at Charly. He did better then I thought he would.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

They Finally Got Married

 Sal and Caitlin were married on Nov. 5th. The ceremony was so beautiful and we couldn't have asked for a nicer day. The bride and groom looked so happy. Afterward we all went to The Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner. Except from the pollen getting all over us, it was a pleasant day.
 We had the reception the following Sat. in the new Central Valley building. I had planned the decorations and Daniel helped me put them up. We make a great team. It only took us 3 hours to set everything up. I think it turned out nice. The pictures don't do it justice.
From 2011-11-14 Sal's Reception
Charles had fun playing with the lines:
From 2011-11-14 Sal's Reception
Sal and Caitlin had fun dancing to "Moondance."
From 2011-11-14 Sal's Reception
It was fun to watch. The cake was beautiful and Daniel and I even got to dance a little bit! The church was so perfect, we didn't have all the things we needed, but the church had them. That was a blessing. Daniel and I started the tradition of cutting the cake with a sword. It is traditional in Spain. Sal used his Calvary sword he got on his mission.
 We had the best photographer! Doranda Woestman! Check out some of her pics from her blog:  and

Friday, November 4, 2011

This is Halloween!

From 2011-10-31 Halloween
This year Lizzy got sick right before Halloween. Right after the sacrament was passed she came down with a fever. Daniel took the kids home and I caught a ride with my brother and soon to be sister-in-law. So we had a stay at home Halloween. Lizzy helped me carve the pumpkin.  She didn't like taking out the innards with her hands, but did fine with the spoon. She was so excited to pass out the candy to the trick-or-treaters! All in all, it was a fun day.  I like how our pumpkins turned out.                                      

We went to the Libray's Trick or treat and it was so fun! Lizzy was Ladybug Girl and Charles was a pirate.
From 2011-10-28 Library Trick or treat
They took us through all the inner workings of the library and in the bookmobile "Violet" It was neat to see how they sort and distribute the books.

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...