Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hannibal, Mo

I have wanted to visit Hannibal since we moved here, but never seemed to get around to it. Well on the 4th of July we went for it. It is about two hours north of us, so not too bad a drive. Daniel was working that night so we left him sleeping and went north. There were two things on my agenda, although there are a few more things to do and see there. I wanted to see the Molly Brown house and the Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum. We stopped at a visitor center just outside of Hannibal and got a booklet of coupons. Then we went to the Molly Brown Home. Turns out her real name is Margret and she went by Maggie her whole life. Hollywood changed it after her death. (Apparently Molly is easier to sing then Maggie.)  Also not only did she survive the Titanic, but 2 other boat crashes and a fire! I'm not sure if she was lucky or cursed. She was very intelligent and learned several languages most of which she spoke fluently. This aided her on the Titanic where she was able to interpret for the immigrating passengers. She accomplished much during her lifetime. Quite a remarkable woman.
Then we went to the Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum. These are separated into various buildings. We started at the museum and then walked to the Home and saw his father's law practice and home of his sweet heart. I enjoyed visiting Hannibal, but was shocked to find no marker nor mention of Hannibal's other Star: Shoeless Joe from Hannibal, MO. Alas. I guess The Unsinkable Molly Brown is the only musical to be celebrated there.

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