Saturday, June 18, 2011

OK Recap 1.0

So after much deliberation over what to do for Daniel's birthday I decided that we should go to the Lewis and Clark days in St. Charles. Have I ever told you how much I love St. Charles? NO??!?! Well... I do! It is so quaint with specialty shops and gas lamps and a party nearly every weekend. Why didn't we move there? Hmm. But I digress...  So off to the festival we go. We arrived a bit early, but since it was a hot day that was ok. We saw some Newfoundland dogs, apparently Lewis took his on the expedition. They are huge!
From Lewis n Clark

Then we watched some people make paper. That was fun. We chatted with a parson who was writing his sermon for Sunday. He had a ton of religious quotes from the founding fathers. He was very nice, but unfortunately he sliced his thumb just as we met him and he was trying hard not to bleed on anything as he showed  us his collection. We ran into the Elders who each won a wooden sword for helping a vendor put up their tent. They were quite jazzed. It was fun.

 Then it was off to Kansas to visit. Cynthia and Marty had returned form Germany and we took advantage of the time to see them and as an added bonus, Tina and Nathan came up too. Tony and Susan graciously allowed us to stay with them for a few days.
From 2011-06-06 Bart reunion and Ephram's baptism
Susan took us to Antioch Park. It is huge! Lizzy had fun playing. The water lilies were real pretty. Daniel and Dad worked on cutting out the lenses for our goggles. I worked on Mom. Then on Sunday after church we all met up at the temple site, the construction has progressed well. We had lunch and of course took pictures. Then we drove home. The next Sunday we went to Columbia to witness Ephraim's baptism. It was wonderful. Now Lizzy keeps telling me about when she gets baptized. I'm glad that she is excited to follow her cousin's example.  And finally an update on Charles: He is almost crawling, he wants to so bad. He can really get around on the bed. I've had to catch him before he crawls right off quite a number of times. 
From 2011-06-06 Almost crawling
He is getting so big!.

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