Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Great Graduation

My little brother graduated on the 9th of April so in honor of that great occasion I packed up the kids and away we went! Ahh I love a good adventure (which is good since I tend to run into them a lot. As if being a Mom of two wasn't adventure enough!) So Daniel dropped us off at the airport and we started our journey. I'll not bore you with the details, needless to say it was adventurous. I was so glad to be back in good old WA. It was a relief to see Mom. We made quite an exit with all our gear.
From 2011-04-22 Sal's graduation
After a little sleep we caught the ferry and headed East. Due to an avalanche we had to turn around and go South. We arrived in Pendleton around 11pm. We slept and headed East again. We stopped in Eagle to see Grandma, Uncle Matt and Uncle Duwayne's family. It was a nice visit. I'm so glad that Charles got to meet everyone. Then on to Idaho Falls. Tabitha and her family were already there. The next day we went to see Sal and Caitlin. We had her try on her wedding dress.
From 2011-04-22 Sal's graduation
She is so adorable. We met Sal's roommates and I did some laundry. (On the last day of our trip Lizzy went through 4 pares of pants.) Later we went to the church and set up for dinner. Luckily Uncle Armin and Aunt Cheryl came prepared with games. Dad set up the Karaoke and we had a fun time playing around. Sal and Caitlin danced to a song. They are so cute together. Still in that constant communication phase. I finally got to see Rexburg. I thought it would be greener. It snowed. Oh well. Then Tabitha and co. and my crew went exploring in Id. Falls. We went to the temple visitor center and dodged 4 wedding groups. Then it was back to the West. Are you getting dizzy yet?
We arrived in Baker City around 11pm. I sense a pattern... We had breakfast at the Geiser Grand Hotel. I love baker City! It is a perfect halfway point between SLC and Seattle. It has loads of charm and many family friendly things to do. And the Geiser Grand is one of the best things in my humble opinion. The breakfasts are amazing and the ambiance wonderful. Some day I will stay there! Anyway. Check it out: http://www.geisergrand.com/
The rest of the week we just relaxed. We played with Jessica and the girls. I saw the elusive Rex twice! Quite a feat I might add. We did Zumba, played at the park, ate Sal's wonderful fajitas and went to the Blodel Reserve. A beautiful members only garden on Bainbridge Island. Mom and I have wanted to go for years and on this day it was free and open to the public. It was amazing. I took too many pictures, but it was so beautiful.
We ended our visit with an Easter egg hunt. It was great fun, but I heard later that the eggs were still quite raw, so no one ate them. Still it was good to be home. Yet, I was glad to be going back to MO. I missed Daniel something fierce; and there are still quite a few things I need to do here before I am ready to move on. Here then are all those pictures:

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