Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas or something like it

So we had a quiet Christmas this year. After having a baby the holidays hit kind of low on my radar. We didn't even get a tree. As a substitute, Lizzy and I decorated our back window. Like the paper ornaments? I didn't finish my shopping until Christmas eve. And the stockings never got filled so I'm saving that for Dia de los Reyes!
 On Christmas eve Lizzy and Charles, with Lizzy's help, opened up a gift. Then we watched the Nativity. It was nice.
  We told Lizzy that she could open her presents after breakfast. She did a great job waiting. She loved opening the gifts. It was fun watching her.
  For dinner I attempted my first ham. After the appropriate amount of time I took it out of the oven and proudly placed it on the table with a grand "ta da." Unfortunately as we bit into it we discovered it was not heated all the way through. So much for that. Everything tasted great though.  We Skyped Mom and talked to Caitlin for the first time, She is Sal's fiance. That was great. I am so excited for their wedding in April.
 Later Lizzy decided to dress up and go ice skating around the living room. It was great, she even sat down to put on her imaginary skates!

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