Sunday, July 11, 2010


This past weekend we drove up to Nauvoo IL. For the Nauvoo Pageant. Never try to eat QFC chicken on the road. What a mess! Lizzy got the corn everywhere.
From 2010-07-11 Nauvoo

We met up with Denise and Jason and their boys, who graciously saved a camping spot for us. We set up camp and then drove over to the Pageant. It was a nice evening and we had good seats. The cast moves around the audience a bit so we got to see them up close. My favorite part was the instant temple.
From 2010-07-11 Nauvoo
Who knew it was so easy? After pageant we went back to camp and Lizzy experienced her first night in a tent. It took her a long time to adapt. I mean, there are BUGS there! She has a great fear of bugs. She fell asleep finally looking at the stars. It was a fine night, we left all the windows open and didn't put on the rain fly, because it was warm up until about 4 AM. Saturday morning, Denise and Jason kindly watched Lizzy so Daniel and I could go to the temple. We squeezed into the 8 AM session and had a great time. I wished I could stay in the Celestial room longer, but nature called and the bathrooms are a flight down and hidden from the casual observer. I finally asked for directions. Boy was I relieved! Then we joined the Blacks and went to the Wainwright and blacksmiths workshop where Ephraim got the horseshoe and then on an Oxcart ride. It was a wonderful day.
From 2010-07-11 Nauvoo

Later we tried to go to the museum there at the Nauvoo State Park where we camped, but I got overheated and had to leave. Getting out of Keokuk took some doing we went around it twice before finding the alternate route. The main road was out. When we got home I was exhausted, but glad we went.

1 comment:

  1. If you click on the last two images you can see the video.


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