Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A day in the life

So I have an awesome daughter and just to prove it I am blogging about her. Oh and I have pictures! On Tuesday the school district had a vehicle fair. There were a lot of neat cars and emergency vehicles. A book mobile and a few other interesting vehicles. We got to sit in them and learn about them. Pretty neat until the barrage of honking horns scared the living daylights out of Lizzy. Oh well. To make up for it we hiked through the foot high grass to a park that seemingly no one ever plays at except us. This park is just poorly planed in my opinion. There is a huge expanse of rolling grass. A real airplane you can't touch and then way out in the back is a little play area. No trash cans or bathrooms in sight. About ten feet away are the swings. Yes, defiantly made for toddlers. Alas. Upside? No waiting to take a turn on the slide! After wards we went to the Whistle Stop, a cute little restaurant and train museum. Lizzy loves it. Then after all of this we went to the dentist. Lizzy sat on the hygienist's lap as she cleaned my teeth and then Lizzy got her very first cleaning herself. I am so proud of her. She sat there with her mouth open like a pro. She even let the dentist use the pick on her! Told ya...Awesome!

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