Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lost at the Faire

For Daniel's birthday we went to The Greater St. Louis Renaissance Faire at Wentzville. In preparation for this event I had made Lizzy a gown to wear and then started on my own gown. I wanted to make an Irish style over dress. I had made one for my sister a few years back and had wanted to make one for myself since then. So I pulled out the patterns and got to work. All was going well, Lizzy was even participating. She would perch on my lap and pull out the pins when I told her to and put them in the tomato. As I finished the top and pinned it to the bottom, a problem presented itself. They didn't match. The bottom was about 3 inches too short on either side. Oops. I didn't have enough remaining material to correct the issue. So I went online to find a solution. I did find one. Use a different material as an addition, this might seem like a Duh moment to you, but I wanted my outfit to be as traditional as possible so until I found similar dresses I was not about to make a blunder like that.
So armed with new confidence off we went to the store for some material. Luckily there was a remnant of leather looking material on sale. It was more then sufficient for my needs so I purchased it while Daniel chased Lizzy around the store. Home again I proceed to finish my masterpiece. I was quite pleased with the out come. Then as I was now in the sewing frenzy I also made another top, this time with side lacing's instead of in front. I made it reversible which was fun. Anyway so now we were ready. Then Daniel tells me that the dress I had labored on was not becoming on me! What? Tomorrow is the faire and you don't like my outfit? So I pull out my skirt from our trips previous, and there is a rip in the side. So scrambling to finish I tear through my material boxes looking for the same material. Luckily I had kept some and proceeded to remake the top portion of my skirt. I succeeded sort of. I could wear it but don't any one look too close!

Any way, off to the faire. It was out in Wentzville which is about 45 min west of us. We took the long way there and Lizzy slept most of the way. It is in a big park and luckily had lots of shade. We saw a bird show and artisans and took in the sights. Due to the mud the joust was without horses which made it quite ridiculous, but it was a fun day overall. I'm glad we went. Unfortunately I have no pictures of my outfit. I hope to remedy that soon and then I'll let you judge which was better. Hee he.
From 2010-05-22 St Louis Ren Fest
From 2010-05-22 St Louis Ren Fest

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A day in the life

So I have an awesome daughter and just to prove it I am blogging about her. Oh and I have pictures! On Tuesday the school district had a vehicle fair. There were a lot of neat cars and emergency vehicles. A book mobile and a few other interesting vehicles. We got to sit in them and learn about them. Pretty neat until the barrage of honking horns scared the living daylights out of Lizzy. Oh well. To make up for it we hiked through the foot high grass to a park that seemingly no one ever plays at except us. This park is just poorly planed in my opinion. There is a huge expanse of rolling grass. A real airplane you can't touch and then way out in the back is a little play area. No trash cans or bathrooms in sight. About ten feet away are the swings. Yes, defiantly made for toddlers. Alas. Upside? No waiting to take a turn on the slide! After wards we went to the Whistle Stop, a cute little restaurant and train museum. Lizzy loves it. Then after all of this we went to the dentist. Lizzy sat on the hygienist's lap as she cleaned my teeth and then Lizzy got her very first cleaning herself. I am so proud of her. She sat there with her mouth open like a pro. She even let the dentist use the pick on her! Told ya...Awesome!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Flower's festival

Florissant has very few festivals and this one last all week. For all the hype I must say we were a little disappointed, but it was a fun day and there was a Mexican bakery there with the best empanadas ever! We saw a ventriloquist and magic shows as well as an old time medicine show. It was great.

Cinco de uh oh..

As a proud decedent of Mexican heritage, there are few holidays I like better then Cinco De Mayo. It is a day of fun and usually family. This fifth of May proved to be the exception to the rule. Daniel was called in to work at 3 AM.
"Great, just means he will get off early so he can spend time with his family." I thought as I went back to sleep. The Blacks, Tina and little Anne were coming down for the day. They came by around 1:30 and we went off to the magic house for some great fun. On the way I get the call from Daniel:
"So that problem they called me in for this morning? Yeah, um we are just starting to work on it. I won't be home till after 7." Great. So much for my plans of Hispanic revelry. Oh well. The magic house was great fun as always. After a few hours we headed back home and since the family had to get back to Columbia, it was just Lizzy and I for dinner on my third favorite holiday of the year. Well I'm going to celebrate dang it! So I changed Lizzy's diaper and debated about bringing the roll up. Nah it's right next to our house, no big deal. And with that left the apt. to walk to chili's. We got seated right away and I was feeling good. We put in our order and waited for the food. They were out of crayons so I dug a pen out of my purse to keep Lizzy occupied. That didn't last too long, but luckily the table had ample entertainment in a little blue container filled with sweeteners. Joy! Out they all came in a rush! All over the table. I, being the great parent that I am tried to get Lizzy to sort them by color.
"See this one is blue, can you find a blue one?" Right, she threw a pink one at my head. Not a good game I'm thinking. So we just mix them around when I smell something... Uh oh, she is Poopy. Well, it can't be that bad, we'll just eat and then I'll change her when we get home. No problem.
A little while later I notice that her shirt hem has poop on it. Ugh. Now I need to do something.... So off to the bathroom we go. I get her on the changing table to assess the damage. Well, to my horror, the damage was being pushed out the top of her diaper every time she moved. Not good. Think, think. Ok maybe I can just scoop some out and then clean off her shirt. Yeah, that should work at least till we eat. In retrospect at this point I should have just found the waiter and make a quiet exit, but alas I was determined to celebrate at all costs!
So we return to our table and soon there after our food arrives. Yea food! Half way through our meal I realize my previous solution is not holding. So back to the bathroom we go, I remove her diaper and clean her up as best I can in the stall. Then I throw the diaper away tell Lizzy quite firmly that she can not go Potty till we get home. Roll up a few paper towels as a substitute diaper and we head back to our dinner.
Not one to listen to good advice or commands given by her mother Lizzy soon gets up from her booster and demands that she get down. I ask her what is wrong and try to entice her to sit back down. As this is getting me nowhere I get up to investigate. Sure enough there was a puddle in her booster. And some on the bench... Yuck. Ok, no dessert, check please! We are going home! I try to clean up the sodden mess with napkins and explained to the waiter what had happened. Paid the check and corralled my soaking toddler home. Luckily the day was hot enough that she was moderately dry when we got home. I dumped her clothes and all into the tub and started to clean the whole mess. Lizzy was a trooper. Somewhere along the way we lost the towels. Oh well. Needless to say we were both ready for bed when Daniel came home.
Que dia mas divertido no?

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...