Sunday, April 11, 2010

Travel and tell

So we have been vacationing for a while now. My sister Tabitha went through the temple in Utah on the 27th of March so Daniel, Lizzy and I went out to support and go through with her. Well, Lizzy didn't of course, but Daniel and I did. We got to stay with Normarae and Alan Johnson, Daniel's Aunt and Uncle. It was nice getting to know them and also seeing Tabitha. My Grandma came down as well as my Aunt and Uncle.
During the course of our stay Lizzy got to see all three Great Grandmas. How crazy is that? We also had a bout of illness. Daniel and Lizzy both threw up. I took Lizzy to a doctor and found out that she had ear infections in both ears! Poor thing. This delayed our trip up north. Daniel flew home and Lizzy and I went to stay with my Aunt in West Valley. We finally were able to travel back to Washington with my parents on Easter Sunday. We listened to conference on the radio until we hit Boise. Then the signal died.
We stopped in Baker City Or. for the night. I love Baker City, it's the halfway point between Salt Lake City and Seattle. An old gold boom town it is full of history and quaint buildings. Mom and I had always wanted to walk down town and we finally took the opportunity. At dinner in the Sumpter Junction(noted for the trains that run through the restaurant) Lizzy threw up again. =( Our waitress was pregnant and in danger our vomiting herself at the sight. Poor thing. The Geyser Grand Hotel was indeed a grand sight. We breakfasted there. We had the whole place to ourselves. The food was wonderful and nicely priced. Then off to Bremerton!
It is so nice to be back. I love Washington. Lizzy and I settled in and Mom and Dad washed laundry and repacked to go back to Idaho and pick up my brother Sal from BYUI. I took the opportunity to visit some friends. That was nice. I got Lumpia from Ani Brower, a truly awesome food. We had it today for dinner. Joy! Lizzy is finally off her antibiotic and hopefully we have said goodbye to illness for a while. All is well except Daniel is not with us.
The day after I got here we visited my Sister Jessica and found her daughter Taylor in tears. Michael Pitcher had died. I couldn't believe it. Jessica and I went over to Michelle's house to offer our condolences and were promptly put to work. I cleaned the bathrooms and Jessica took on the laundry. Michelle was at her in laws so after we finished there we went over to the Pitchers and had a nice talk with Michelle. I have known her for years. She got married 6 years ago and has 4 children. I talked to her two months ago and was excited to get together during my next visit. It is just so sad that this happened, but I am glad that I am here for the funeral and able to help.
Saturday Jessica the girls and I went on the kitsap Live Steamers in Port Orchard. It was so fun. We took three rides around the tracks and then explored a Candy Shoppe down town. It is tiny, but packed with any kind of candy you could think of.
So that is my trip thus far. Pretty action packed.

1 comment:

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 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...