Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Take a Time Out

So this weekend Jessica, Mom, Lizzy and I went to Time Out For Women in Seattle. It was my first time going and it was spectacular! I loved every minute. They had a mother's room set aside for us so that was nice when Lizzy got too rowdy. She did great though. The speakers were amazing and the mood so spiritual. Hillary Weeks performed some fun songs. We had lunch at Wild Ginger. The food was good, but the wait forever. Lizzy didn't want to stay in her chair so in the course of holding her I was doused with food several times. I love being a Mom!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tale as old as Time...

I took Lizzy to her first play. The Bremerton High School preformed Beauty and the Beast. I knew a few of the performers. Lizzy was so excited we had to move to the back of the theater for fear of being kicked out! She was practically jumping! She sang with the music, spouting her critiques and approval. It was funny. I am glad she likes music so much. She has to dance, it's in her blood. Needless to say we had a grand time.

Peek-a-boo and utter cuteness

From 8 mo
From 8 mo
From 8 mo
From 8 mo
From 8 mo
From 8 mo

Monday, March 9, 2009

Wacky Weather

So today has been crazy. We had snow, rain, sun, and sleet. It all happened in about an hour. Welcome to Bremerton! I learned recently that Kitsap County has over 20 different weather systems which is why predicting the weather is nigh impossible here. A common quote is "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes." Today was a testament to that phrase. Every five minutes there was something new going on. I took Lizzy outside to get her reactions from the Snow flakes. She wasn't fazed a bit! It was surprisingly warm, sunny and big ol' flakes falling all around like some old Christmas movie. I love Washington.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Safari Lizzy

Tabitha gave us a shop n play that resembles a jeep in the safari. I put it over this chair she has and had Lizzy sit in it. She is a cute explorer. Move over Dora!
From combined

First Friday

We went out to the art walk and then went to HiLos later to eat.
From Ari @ 7 mo

From 8 mo

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...