Thursday, January 1, 2009

Santa Lucia

Every year in Poulsbo there is a Santa Lucia festival. She is the patren saint of light. As we have Swedish background I love the idea of Santa Lucia. To celebrate, the oldest daughter in the family wakes up early and makes breakfast for the family. She wears a white gown and red sash with a crown of candles on her head. I can't wait till Lizzy is old enough to participate.
From dec act
From dec act


  1. That's awesome! I'm glad to see you blogging with the rest of us. I think it would be so cute to see Lizzy as a Saint Lucia girl!

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging!! You know, I was Santa Lucia in our towns festival in 1996!! :) Your family is so cute!! Love ya tons Hermanita G!! Love Kami Pollock aka Herm Robinson


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