Monday, January 19, 2009

Working out

So I thought I might as well use my base privileges while I can. To that affect I have been going to the gym most days. It has been a testiment to the weakling that I am. To further my abject humiliation... Lizzy is excelling in pushups while trying to crawl. She goes up on her toes even! So dedicated. I on the other hand decided that "girly pushups" still count. Here is Daniel helping Lizzy work out.
From New Beginings

Monday, January 5, 2009

Lizzy is now trying all sorts of new foods. I like my bananas a little green and Lizzy was not keen on that at all!
From Recently Updated

Saturday, January 3, 2009

To Whom It May Concern...

Just a note, I tend to have the camera, so the majority of the photos posted will be of Daniel and Lizzy. We now return you to your regular viewing pleasure. Thank you.

Down Town Christmas

Down town Bremerton has a yearly Christmas tree lighting and Hay ride. Santa and Mrs. Claus come on a fire truck and the high school band plays while the drill team performs. It is in conjunction with the Friday night Art Walk. It was fabulous. We sang carols and enjoyed the atmosphere. What a wonderful time of the year.
From dec act
From dec act

O Christmas Tree

When I was little we always would go out to a u-cut farm and cut down a tree together. I have such fond memories of that and I wanted it for Lizzy. We went out to the farm and Lizzy touched her first tree and we took some amazing pictures. It was grand fun all around. In the end though we didn't end up cutting a tree, but the experience was fun!
From dec act
From dec act
From dec act
From dec act

Birthday wishes

I wanted a quiet birthday this year so I decided on a family dinner and karaoke. OK, so not so quiet, but tons of fun. Until Jess dropped a glass and cut her leg through her jeans. Ouch, that;s the second time that has happened to her.I got a carrot cake that Mom made, it was amazing. Yum! The girls danced while we sang. I love background dancers. They just make the song complete. Ok so I mistake, my Mom dropped the glass and Jess was just an innocent bystander. Apologies to all.

From dec act
From dec act

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Santa Lucia

Every year in Poulsbo there is a Santa Lucia festival. She is the patren saint of light. As we have Swedish background I love the idea of Santa Lucia. To celebrate, the oldest daughter in the family wakes up early and makes breakfast for the family. She wears a white gown and red sash with a crown of candles on her head. I can't wait till Lizzy is old enough to participate.
From dec act
From dec act


This Thanksgiving I had all my family together for the first time in years. It was fun and a little overwhelming.


As I have been blogging for the young women I thought I'd try my hand at one for us. Brief intro, for those who are not aware, Daniel is Boonsage and I am the Great Kabuski. However I will allow "the great" to be left off in polite conversation. We live in the beautiful North West where it is currently snowy once again. Lizzy is now 6 months old and very mobile. She wants to crawl desperately. more to follow...

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...