Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Touch of Magic

Yesterday we got to visit the Magic House with the Blacks. It was so amazing, too much to see and do and I believe we were just in a small part of it. It was a lot of fun, unfortunately we couldn't stay long. I can't wait to return!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Something to simle about.

So I have a collage of random videos for your perusal, a few with Lizzy showing off her awesome dance moves (Napoleon eat your heart out!) and our choir Christmas song. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

St. Charles.

There is the cutest little town near us called St. Charles. It was our first state capital and has a lot of history. Every Nov to the first of Jan. they have Christmas festivities down town. Yesterday we sampled a little of their bounty. There are actors representing various Christmas characters in many different cultures. They hand out their cards. We only got a few.
Lizzy met her first prince: The Nutcracker Prince. I think you'll agree the picture tells all. The USA Santa was quite entertaining. We has chestnuts roasted on an open fire, luckily we left Jack frost on the other side of the street, so our noses were spared. There were yuletide carols being sung by a choir ans we SHOULD have been dressed like Eskimos! We were freezing by the time we left. It was wonderful and I have to go back to see the lights and other shops sometime. Yea for Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Daniel's work had a Christmas party for the children of all the workers. Lizzy most enjoyed running around in circles and stealing the other children's toys. Santa came and gave each child a gift. It was interesting to meet Daniel's co-workers.

Monday, November 16, 2009

A Day in the Life..

This is what we did today, among other things, but this was the most entertaining! I think you'll agree.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Baby bean bag

So Lizzy wanted to enter a bean bag race. Daddy obliged and this was the result. It was too cute!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We had a quiet Halloween this year. Daniel had to go to work at five so Lizzy and I stayed home. We didn't have a single trick-or-treaters this year. Major bummer. But we did go to a pumpkin patch that had a hay ride and a maze. Also some strange apple looking green pumpkins. It was fun.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Monday Madness

This past Monday was National smores day. To celebrate we made Smores indoors. It we great fun and very delicious. My favorite variation was using a Reese's cup in place of the chocolate. It was a nice blend. The strawberry marshmallows were quite good as well.

Monday, July 27, 2009

facebook has taken over!

So now, thanks to Stephen I have my blog on Facebook. As if I needed more reasons to play there right? I find it is comforting to log on and in a few minutes learn the status of friends all over the world. However the multitude of games keeps my attention for far more of my time then should be allowed. Alas, what to do? Oh well, there is someone I need to kidnap...Sal? Or perhaps just fling food at...Ivy? Decisions decisions. What? What do you mean it's 2 Am? Ack, To bed.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's a matter of trust

So Daniel is officially out of the active Navy, but he will be in the inactive reserves for 3 more years. Yea. So we will continue to have benefits like going on base and shopping or going to the theater there. Unfortunately there is this waiting period before you can have your new IDs. For us this was about a month. For that month I could not just mosey on base and pick up some milk or see a flick...No I was not allowed. Where is the trust? I felt so rebuffed, I mean sure, it's the Navy and everything takes forever to process, but technically nothing had changed for me. Yet I was no longer permitted on base unescorted. The shame of it all.
Luckily this period of untrust is over for the navy. I recently got a new Id and stickers for the car. I am a member in good standing again! Bring on the discounted groceries and movies! MEMBERSHIP has it's privileges.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I wanted to go on a tour of down town Bremerton Last night, so we packed up and went out. It was a beautiful night. We walked the boardwalk, there are dedications all over it so it's almost like visiting the cemetery with ads. We finished our walk at Cold Stone. Yum!

Listen Thou!

The JWs have been by our house several times, yet have not once come to the door. Perhaps something keeps them away. however quite often they leave leaflets and other publications around our yard. Yesterday while I was doing my customary hunt for the morning paper...I stumbled upon a mini bible they had left for us. It is really just some passages, but I gave it to Lizzy and she was so cute. She looked and sounded like she was preaching from it. or perhaps against it. Who knows. It made me giggle.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Travel... what a way to go

So we had the very first Clark Family Reunion and it was wonderful. We took two days to go down to Visalia CA. We Stopped in Yreka. It was quite eventful. We were a magnet for semi's. At least six tried to cream us. Ouch. We arrived in one piece and stayed at my uncle Matt's house. In the morning we went out to Three Rivers and saw the historic family sites. We met a long lost cousin in the cemetery and an old neighbor of my Mom's. It was quite fortuitous. On the way back we went to Oakland to church in the multistake center. It was huge! And walked around the temple. It was beautiful. We went through the visitor center where they had the paintings from the Book of Mormon on display. It was neat to see them in glorious detail. That night we stopped in Yreka again and met up with the rest of our group to caravan home. All in all it was a wonderful experience.

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...