So Daniel is officially out of the active Navy, but he will be in the inactive reserves for 3 more years. Yea. So we will continue to have benefits like going on base and shopping or going to the theater there. Unfortunately there is this waiting period before you can have your new IDs. For us this was about a month. For that month I could not just mosey on base and pick up some milk or see a flick...No I was not allowed. Where is the trust? I felt so rebuffed, I mean sure, it's the Navy and everything takes forever to process, but technically nothing had changed for me. Yet I was no longer permitted on base unescorted. The shame of it all.
Luckily this period of untrust is over for the navy. I recently got a new Id and stickers for the car. I am a member in good standing again! Bring on the discounted groceries and movies! MEMBERSHIP has it's privileges.