Charles had the lesson for our Family Home Evening and dressed for the occasion. He had prepared a slide show which was well done.
For President's Day, we celebrated by eating several of the former president's favorite foods. I made spoonbread for President Monroe, mac and cheese for President Jefferson, fruit for President JQ Adams, Leather Britches, or green beans with bacon for President Jackson (a personal favorite), President Lincon's favorite was bacon so this was a twofer. Corn for President Harrison, pickles for President Coolidge, cottage cheese with ketchup for President Nixon, (only Emily was brave enough to try that). For dessert, I had bought the Lady Baltimore cake mix from President Truman's museum a while back and decided now was the best time to try it. The recipe called for raisins and nuts soaked in brandy. So I did raspberry jam and lemon curd as the filling instead. We served it with ice cream for Presidents Madison, Ford, and Biden. It was tasty.
Oh, and we had grilled cheese for lunch for President FD Roosevelt. I had each kid tell us a fun fact about a president and President Teddy Roosevelt was the clear favorite, 3 kids had a fact about him. It was fun.