Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Four Years

     November is a challenging month for me. While there are birthdays and celebrations, gatherings, and clubs, it also marks the death of a dear friend. It's still hard to believe Torii is gone. It's still painful to think of. I miss her so much. Her favorite color is purple so my FoE RS group wears purple to church to commemorate. I am also wearing the Jerusalem stone necklace I made for her funeral.

    I think of her whenever I see something quirky or beautiful. She helped me see the best in life. She knew how to laugh and how to support. I am so grateful for her friendship.

Multicultural Night

     Devon got to participate in a multicultural night with his Spanish club. I took Emily with me to experience it. Charles had a concert at nearly the same time, luckily Daniel was able to see him perform. I had to go to Activity days with Emily. It was a packed night!

Veterans Day

     Charly got to march in the Veteran's Day parade in New York City this year. We got to see her sort of, online. My pics are terrible, but it was fun to watch. Since it was the Marine's birthday the day before they had Lieutenant General Calvert L. Worth Jr. there with her group to ring in the stock exchange and speak at the parade. He's a Missouri native, so that was fun. 

    The kids were asking me why Charly got to go since she isn't a veteran yet. I told them not everyone in the parade is a veteran. It got me thinking about that though, it was neat to see so many veterans in the parade. It was a nice way to celebrate those who have sacrificed for our country. I am so grateful to the men and women who volunteer to serve our nation.

Part 2

     We went to Independence, MO to learn about Harry S. Truman. Before we went to The Harry S. Truman National Historic Site we saw this gentleman from Pioneer Trails Adventures who gives tours of Independence. He was quite the character. It was fun. Then we went to the visitor center before heading to the Truman residence.

There were skeletons all over the buildings.

This line was for early voting. It just kept getting longer as we circled them.

    The Turman house only allows for 8 people at a time, and while tickets are free, they have to be obtained at the visitor center. The Noland house across the street had no such limits so Lizzy stayed with the younger boys while the rest of us went on the tour. 

     It was fascinating. I knew very little about President Truman, but I left with a great respect for him and a desire to know more. I will have to read some books on his life. It was a lovely day.

Grandparents Visit

     My parents were able to visit us for Halloween. They arrived just in time for Grandparent's Day at the elementary school, so that was fun. The kids went trick-or-treating at the school, too. It was chaotic but fun. The next day, we went to the Zoo.

Teddy got up close and personal with Nuniq.

Then it was time for trick-or-treating!

    The kids had fun, Lizzy took Grandma on a wild goose chase trying to find her friend's house. I stayed home and passed out candy. I love doing that. I love gushing over costumes and seeing how excited the kids are. Happy Halloween!

Emily at school:

Fall Festival

I took the boys to the park and got this great pic of a tree. 

Enjoy the boys all on one swing:

We went to Colonial Gardens to celebrate fall. We just went to play as we had purchased our pumpkins at ALDIS. 

Limbo masters!

I don't know what this is called, but my family loves them.

    This slackline obstacle course was brutal! Emily was trying to get out of the circular net when it abruptly turned, and she hit her head hard on the ground. Lizzy and Devon got hurt as well.

 Then we picked some apples, as it was the end of the season the only apples were up high, so we improvised. We ended up filling 4 bags up!

Afterwards, we carved our pumpkins.


Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...