Friday, June 21, 2024

Summer Fun

     Daniel took us to Fort Osage and it was so fun. They had reenactors and activities for the kids to do. This was their third year doing the Fort Osage days.

Afterward we took 3 of Lizzy's friends to Oceans' of Fun.

    I had found out that there is a pony express re-ride each year and it starts in St. Joseph, MO. I was excited to see it so I pulled the kids out early from Summer school and some of the Blacks joined us and away we went! Unfortunately we got there a few minutes late, so we missed the riders, but we went to the museum and the kids got their junior ranger badges. It was a fun day. You can follow the Re-ride here in real time. I can't wait to go back and visit the other museums and actually send a letter off. I am already planning for next year. 

The kids showed us how to exit a saloon:

Here is the world's largest ball of twine!


Lizzy's Extended Birthday

     Lizzy turned 16 this year! That's crazy! Since it fell on a Thursday during a very busy week, we celebrated all week long in little bursts. On her birthday I took her and Teddy to a new park to play. We were meeting up with the ward play group. The rest of the kids were in summer school.

Then we went to Bliss Chocolate and had some house made ice cream. It was so good!

Look how pretty their chocolates are!

She finished the day playing D&D at the library. It was Charles' first time and he wasn't so sure going into it, but they had a great time. Unfortunately the next campaign is when they are at FSY.

We did her pinata on Friday. Since it was her birthday I let her go first and she ripped that shark apart on the first swing! I didn't even get a picture she was so fast!

On Saturday we went to the zoo.

Then we had her grasshopper pie and presents.

She got a fun paint set from her grandparents and these stuffie plants from us. Happy Birthday Lizzy!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...