Monday, December 9, 2024

It's Christmas Time

 Our stake did a night in Zarahemla, the boys liked using the weapons the best.

I took the kids to Home Depot for the kids workshop.

The kids went shopping for Christmas gifts in style.

And Henry lost a tooth. He pulled it out himself.

Wrestling Starts

 As the weather cools, it starts the beginning of wrestling season. Lizzy was raring to go. 

They had their first duel at home and she has never lost a home duel. She was excited to keep her record! She pinned her opponent! 

I didn't get to see her perform in her tournament, but she pinned both of her opponents, so she has high hopes for the rest of the season.

Birthdays and Holidays

    Charles wanted to have a Portal party, but it would be a little different from Henry's, so I got creative. In the game, when you reach the fourth chapter, it's titled The Suprise. You get confetti but no cake. So I printed a sign that said, "Chapter 14: The Surprise." Then we waited upstairs, confetti in hand, for his return. 

    He was a little apprehensive when he saw the sign, but he loved it. I had a puzzle set up, but to make it work we needed one of his gifts.

He seemed to enjoy constructing his own Lego Portal world. 

    They solved my puzzle, but it did take them a bit so I'm happy with that. I found out that there is a woodworking guild in KC that does a free Santa workshop. We took the kids and it was so fun. They got to help make a wooden truck which Santa inspected, they also got to pick out a top to keep. It was so fun.

I stopped to take this picture of Kansas City.

We hosted Thanksgiving and it was nice. We had the Blacks and Floyd and Heather over. 

       It's so nice to have an artist to make the ham look amazing! I'm not ashamed to say I took advantage of Heather's considerable talents. She did an amazing job.

    We had a fun time. The boys introduced their cousins to Portal, while the Ladies played Machi Koro. Denise had never played it before and she trounced us handily. 
    The next day my FoE friend and her family came over for a visit. We got a bit of snow!

We had story time with the Clauses.

Daniel and I went to his work party at Union Station. It was all done up for the holidays.

    I felt like we were in the song, Silverbells. In the thick of the hustle and bustle. And on the 8th I celebrated my birthday. I made my cake, and ate it too!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...