Sunday, October 8, 2023

Farewell Tour

   I wanted to show the kids what I love about Washington so we took them out of school on Friday and went sightseeing. Our first stop was Leavenworth. It was all decked out for Octoberfest! Parking was interesting, but we had fun.

I loved all the colors!

We had lunch at the Crepe Sisters. It was delicious!

The kids enjoyed rolling down this hill.

We visited the history museum. It is small but interesting and air-conditioned! The sweet lady who worked there gave us s free poster.

The drive west was so beautiful!

    We made it to Wilcox Park! I spent many many hours here as a child. Mom cross-stitched her angels here as we played. They had a money-finding event every year and we would take our winnings next door to the Wendy's for a frosty. It looks very different today, the play equipment is all new and safe. The merry-go-round where many a shoe was lost was long gone. It's strange to return to such a beloved place and see it so far removed from memories gaze. 

  When I was young, we would walk through the woods behind my house to the park, a little before we moved away, the woods became a sea of houses and we could no longer trample happily through the woods.
   This is the old house I lived in while we were in Lynnwood. It has changed quite a bit. It was fun to reminisce about living there as a child. Hiking the "hill" in the backyard, catching crawdads in the creek, and stripping the neighbor's bushes as we stole the money from the bank. Coincidentally, those bushes are all gone now...Fun times!

  This is where I went to elementary school from 3-6 grade. It looks completely different, it's much bigger and the playground is so modern! No more poles to slide around on! No more tether balls.

   Next, we went to the Seattle temple where Daniel and I got married. We tried to reenact the statue, but Teddy couldn't figure out what we were doing and was not too pleased to be doing it.

  We decided to drive home to rest and the next morning drove to Seattle to visit some more fun things: the Ballard Locks and Fish Ladder, the Fremont Troll, and Boehm’s Candies!

The locks are quite amazing, it is rare you get to see a canal working up close! 

Rolling down the terraces.

This sealion caught a salmon, but in a desperate pitch for freedom, it gave him a huge whack and got away!

On to Fremont! Poor Teddy slept right through his first Troll encounter.

On the floating bridge, Henry declared this was his favorite thing about Washington!

    Boehm's of Issaquah is one of my favorite places. We always get a chocolate bar and take the walking tour. You can see Blippi's visit to make chocolate there on this YouTube video.

Wouldn't this make the best Thanksgiving centerpiece?

It was a fun-filled day and I'm so glad I got to share it with my family.

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...