Saturday, September 24, 2022

June Bugs

 The rest of June was a lot of fun! Lizzy worked on her art:

The library had a fabric arts display and encouraged yarn bombing.

Charles had sent in a part of the James Webb telescope art project with his class and we found his at the library!

The finer points of fort building, make sure it's sturdy enough for a toddler to climb on!

Teddy finally succeeded in going down the stairs! Now he's unstoppable!

For Father's day, Charles made Daniel a crown

A beautiful view of Mt. Adams

Here's the Goldendale G!

Devon decided he would try out the nest approach to sleeping

We'll see how much he likes it.    

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Keep It Civil

  On June 18th we went back in time. The Central Washington Agricultural Museum hosted a civil war reenactment and we just had to go. We ended up interrupting everyone's lunchtime, but they were good sports about it. The kids loved interacting with everyone.

This sewing machine was so cool! 

  We didn't get to see everything in the museum, it is quite extensive, and we had to run for the battle. 

  We took the wrong way and ended up stuck behind a reserve of reenactors. It was fun but it meant we had terrible seats for the battle.

Learning how to salute.

One of the camps gave the kids bubble gum cigars with their logo on it. 

It was a fun day, but I think we will go earlier next time. 

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...