Saturday, June 25, 2022

April Ends

 We wrap up April with more play practice. For a hot minute, the kids were out of the play because the leads got COVID and it got postponed to July. We were planning on going to Utah for the fourth so I pulled them from the play. Then my Airbnb canceled on me and of course everywhere had risen their prices and the gas prices jumped over a dollar and I said ok, maybe next year. So I contacted the play coordinator and she said they would love o have them back. Here they are working on character development and vocalizations. 

  Emily and Devon are stoked to be in the play, Charles was a little more reserved about it, but he is glad to be a part of it the more involved he gets. 
  I got to go to the Portland Temple so I took a picture of the flowers. They are always beautiful. 

 Lizzy got to work more on the composting at school. They had a guest lecturer come to explain about compost.

I snapped this pic when I went in to ask Lizzy to do the dishes. I thought it was so cute.

Take a Hike

 On a fine Saturday, I decided we should take advantage of the good weather and try hiking one of the new to us trails. Apparently, everyone and their dog decided the exact thing. There was no parking at three of the sites, but we went to the furthest out one and were able to park. Whew! The view was as beautiful as the spring flowers were just starting to show off. Charles stayed with me the whole time so that was nice. I thought we would be about 2 hours, it was more like four when we finally turned back. 

There was a fun creek that ran down the hillside.

Right about here I was glad they decided to come back because I needed to nurse Teddy. 

Charles tried whistling grass.

Lizzy has been keeping up on her archery, she bent this arrow, but look at her bull's eye!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...