Saturday, April 17, 2021

New Things

 At the begining of the year we asked the kids what they would like to learn this year, Devon was very clear on his goals. He wanted to learn how to cook spaghetti and meatballs. So he picked a day on the calender and we went to work.

He's my go to guy for spaghetti now. He is so happy to be able to make something he loves to eat.

   Other new happenings, I finally got the kids on the bus route for school. The buses are run by the bus barn here so to get on, you have to call them. The rub is that they never answer their phone! I was calling for weeks and asked the school and they just said, yeah keep trying. So I finally went into the bus barn and it took like 5 minutes and I got them set up. One of the bus drivers lives on our road so he told them which bus stop to use and was super nice. I met their bus driver, Mrs Jerry. It's amazing how many women here have typically male names. All of the female associates at Daniel's work have male names. 

Henry consoled himself by fishing.

In other news, Devon created a new hide out.  

We celebrated Pi Day!

And Daniel started his cutting garden.

Children's Broadcast

 The Church had a friend to friend world wide broadcast for the primary, and it was wonderful. The kids participated with the art project and loved the stone stories. 

Lizzy did her own thing of course, but she followed the theme.


Martins Visit

 For President's Day weekend, the Martin's braved the snow and came for a visit. We played in the snow and had fun reconnecting. We tried making snow candy, I liked it, but everyone else didn't. I guess Daniel and I are the only molasses fans in the house. It was fun to do though.

We got to use our new table and it was so nice. Daniel smoked a brisket and it was amazing! 

We had online church followed by at home sacrament.

It was valentines day too, so I got the kids some chocolates to celebrate. 

Back to the snow!

It was a fun visit and I'm glad we got to be together.

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...