Thursday, January 28, 2021

Taylor's Birthday

 Taylor wanted a cookie birthday. She also wanted a huge nerf fight with all her friends, but alas covid interrupted those plans. We did have a ton of cookies though! And ice cream!

All the toppings!


  Dad was helping Mom trim the trees that hang over their fence. The city is supposed to take care of them, but they don't do anything on the non-street side. So My parents trim them back every year. This year was super exciting though, I was upstairs with the kids when I heard Mom shout for me to call 911. I ran downstairs while dialing. Dad had fallen off the ladder and had blacked out for a moment. He was confused and then after a while, he was upset that we wouldn't let him get up. He threatened us, but somehow we convinced him to wait for the paramedics. By the time they arrived, he was quite lucid and refused to be checked out, other than a sugar test. It was scary.

   He had bit his tongue so hard it was purple and black for nearly a week, and his back hurt for at least that long. Later they went to Harbor fright to get this extendable pole so he wouldn't have to get on the ladder again, but you just can't keep him down for long. Luckily no one was hurt this time, although there was a bit of a scare when a limb was heading for Mom's head and Dad rushed over holding this giant pole aloft to save her! I am happy to report that the trees never stood a chance. We were so relieved when it was over.

Olympic Game Farm

 We took a drive up to Sequim to visit the Olympic Game Farm. It was so fun to drive through and see all the animals. Poor Daniel was nearly mauled a few times, but he was a good sport about it. When going to Sequim, one must stop at the infamous Fat Smitty's! I had to introduce the kids to this NorthWest Icon. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Fun In Bremerton

 We had plenty of things to keep us occupied during our stay in Bremerton.  

The boys made temples.

Henry put things on his head.

We explored the many parks. 

Crazy hair day!

Jessica and I got our hair done.

For our birthdays, Mom got us a session to decorate glass, I chose a boat. 

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...