Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Corvid Eileen

So we have been on lockdown for a while now, I know that it's the best thing for the world, but it's brought up some interesting challenges. To break up the monotony I made a schedule for each day. It's really flexible and more of guidelines for the day's activities. The kids like knowing what to expect and it keeps me motivated too. The big thing is we do art each day. So far we've done playdough, painting, salt painting, alcohol paints, and interpretive dance. I have really liked what they have come up with. I'm not sure if I really have enough projects for the duration.

 We did shadow art on the tramp. Lizzy made a koi fish too.

I like how creative they are. It's definitely a bright spot in our day.

Sean's baptism and Junon's Birthday

Over the long weekend, we went up to Bremerton to be with the Martins. On our way up we stopped in Olympia to visit the Hands on Children's Museum in Olympia. We got a membership since I figured we would be heading by it quite a bit this year. It is a great place for children of all ages.

 They have a craft area where you can make anything. Charles made this stethoscope type thing.

 We found this crazy game called, Hacking Stacking Alpaca that we got to add to Dad's alpaca farm. It spits water at you if you take too long. the kids loved it.

 I didn't get any good pictures at the baptism and this was the only one I got with all of the cousins in it.
 Snug as bugs in a rug.
 Rex and Sean had an epic lightsaber battle.

 Sunday Shenanigans.


Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...