Thursday, April 25, 2019

This And That

My Children are most amusing, I present for you: Batty Bartholomews, a compilation.
First, we will start with Charles and his guitar playing while eating muffin skills. Behold!

Lizzy insisted she needed a new cape, she was running around in the boy's capes that were decidedly too small for her. I pulled this old curtain out of my stash and went to work.

Devon lost another tooth.

Henry loves to fall down the back of the bed and then cry for help, only to do it again as soon as he is rescued.

Aint no party like a Bartholomew party...

In Feb. we finally got some snow.

Charles' first cub scout flag and award ceremony and I got pinned!

Henry loves to help me cook.

Luckily he can put out fires too!

Trying to take a nap is hard here.

Breaking Christmas

Lizzy had her first orchestra concert for the other 5th graders. Parents were not supposed to come, but we went anyway. We are so rebellious! I think she did great.
We were so pleased to have Grandma and Papa come down during the Christmas break. We made paper airplanes.

Visited Tillamook's new visitor center.

So Cheesy!

And for newyears, we had a traditional Tim Tam Slam! 


I am so behind! Things got away from me there so I will try to be concise. This year I wanted to really celebrate St. Lucia day. I have loved the holiday since I read about it as a girl in Kirsten's book, (the American girl doll). Poulsbo has a wonderful celebration each year, but we are too far to go. So I set to work sewing a sash for Lizzy and making a ridiculous crown. It really got out of hand! Lizzy was excited though. I need to make the gown. I have the material, but not the right pattern yet. Lizzy wore her baptism dress instead. Traditionally the eldest daughter wakes everyone up on Dec. 13 with a breakfast of saffron buns. Here Lizzy is coming to wake me up.

We decorated cookies and made woven heart baskets.

   Next year I want to teach them the Santa Lucia song. It's so pretty. If I am adventurous enough, we'll try making the saffron buns too. I would like to try them. 
 Our next holiday was Christmas, I was able to go to the temple and see their decorations. They were beautiful. I love going there.

Then we were lucky enough to go to Papa's work party at Dave and Buster's. Papa got to play Santa and that was fun.

Here's Charles' class acting out the Christmas story. They were so cute.

I will leave it here for now. The next post will have Christmas break.

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...