Saturday, November 10, 2018

This is Halloween

Our October went pretty fast. We didn't get to the pumpkin patch until the 27th. This year we went back to Pomeroy Farm. I love this historic working farm. The 4th graders get a real detailed tour and so Lizzy was a little upset that they did things differently for us regular folks. One day I will go on that tour! The forecast called for rain, but it was beautiful and warm. We had a grand time.
Henry wanted out of that wheelbarrow so badly! 
 I love Emily's look of glee!

Then we got to carving! 

 Design phase:


 Final product!

Hair Cuts

While I was away... Daniel cut Henry's hair. To be fair he needed a haircut, it was approaching mullet status, but once they have that first haircut they don't look like babies anymore. Alas. Anyway, here's pre cut:

Side view:
Yes, I know he desperately  needed a cut. Poor thing! And now the After look:

He doesn't seem to mind at all. He just pulls everyone elses hair!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...