Friday, March 2, 2018

Green Eggs and Ham

Every year the first graders at Felida Elementary participate in a Green Eggs and Ham breakfast. I enjoy going to these. It is so fun. Each child receives a hat and bracelet.

 Then we get our green eggs and ham.
 Here's Charles' teacher Mrs. Heibert

 Mrs. Jinati, our principle and the Cat in the hat give out some gifts while we eat.
Then we go to the classroom to read together. I didn't realize how many kids in his class were friends from church (4). It's funny that we never connected before. 

They prepared a little dance which was so cute, i can't get the viedo of Charles to load so here's the first one of a few of the kids so you get the idea:

Charles knew the dance better then they did. It was a fun morning and I am so grateful to my friend for watching the other three so I could go. Even the assistant principle was shocked that I was on my own. I'm usually there with the caravan, Ha! Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...