Monday, December 5, 2016

Flying Around

On Friday we visited the Pearson air museum. I had always wanted to go, and now was the time. It was so fun. We had the place to ourselves and we took full advantage. Later while the kids played at the park, Jessica, Charly, Charles and I went to tour the Marshal house. It was fun.

Thankful For Sushi!

We have had this tradition for a few years now, we make sushi on Thanksgiving. It's the precursor to the main meal. Rex has mastered the art of the sushi roll! Everyone helped. I bought way too much seafood. It was delicious. Our main Turkey was the best I have ever made. I brined it for 2 days (while we were off getting soaked, I figured it could be as well) and then drained it and patted it dry. Next I used a new method in Better Homes and Garden. I put a compound butter under the skin and then cooked it on a high heat for 2 hours. It was so moist and delicious! Afterwards we all went to bed. We started the next day off with pie for breakfast! I feel another tradition in the making....


As  in years past we celebrated Thanksgiving with my Sister and her family. I love having family close! However, this year Jessica asked if we would like to meet in the middle at Great Wolf Lodge. Groupon had a deal going on so we went for it. It was our first time going. If you are unfamiliar, it's basically a water park and hotel.The main water attractions are inside so it's great year round. I had pasted it every time we went to Bremerton so it was fun to finally go inside. I didn't expect it to be so huge. We were on the 8th floor! Since it was Charles's birthday, all the kids got special birthday wolf ears. The staff was amazing! We had a great view and the kids had a bunk room. We had a fireplace and it was so cozy. We spent the first day checking out the kiddie pool and smaller slides. I didn't take too many pics due to the water. Devon of course tried to climb a pole, slipped and busted his nose. Blood everywhere! I had to fill out and incident report. Luckily Jessica had arrived by then and showed me where the aid lifeguards were. Other then that we were accident free! Yay! The only real downside was when Daniel was called in to work. Oh, and not knowing about the shoes rule. You needed to have shoes on when not in the water park, so I clunked around in wet tennis. So much fun! At dinner the staff sang to us and brought cupcakes. Charly made the cutest ice cream swirl! We went to story time and helped in a wand quest. I tried all the slides and even managed to dump Charly off our inner tube on one! I wish we had more time, but the kids tuckered out pretty fast. We all returned home to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...