This weekend was amazing. Not only Did Lizzy choose to be baptized, but we had the fourth of July and 3 birthdays to celebrate!
Here she is with Bishop McDonnell.
Donna, my visiting teacher helped dish the icecream.
It was so nice to have both grandparents there as well as the Martins. Charles would not make a strait face! The Martin girls sang Gethsemane, they did a wonderful job!
I am so proud of her decision and I am overwhelmed by the support we got. It was a beautiful day even if poor Uncle Rex had to brave the crazy crowds to bring us ice cream, Thanks Rex!!!
It was a tender day, Daniel got a little choked up, but it was glorious as promised.
The next day we celebrated Aunt Jessica's, Grandpa Bartholomew's and Emily's birthdays with a very tasty, yet sloppy cake. It had a ganache moat!
The Bartholomews had to go home early on the 4th, we were sad to see them go. Later we had our ward breakfast followed by our community parade and event in the park. I stayed with the kiddos in the park while the rest of the crew walked the parade.
We played games outside and then lit off fireworks and saw a tree catch on fire in a neighbor's yard. I got to call 911. It was an exciting end to the night.

Grandma got a great video of it, but I can't seem to upload it. Here's the
link. It was explosive!