Monday, May 16, 2016

Some More of My Bee's Wax

We decided to purchase 2 more hives this year since our previous two had weathered the winter well and seem to be flourishing. Alas we were a little over eager as it turned out. Just as we got the new hive settled, our old hives Swarmed! We had 4 swarms form in the week that followed. Daniel caught 2 of them, but we lost two.We also had to wait until we could buy hive boxes for them.

 Here's the left over comb in the cherry tree from the swarm that left.

 It has been interesting to say the least. Next year we will just buy boxes and try to keep our own bees. Hopefully! Live and learn. Daniel constructed a bee vacuum to retrieve swarms. He was excited to use it, but they left before he got the chance. Here's to next year!

Take a Break

We got to do something especially fun for Spring Break this year... Celebrate my Dad's 60th birthday! It was so nice to visit with family. It was a mini reunion and I got to go to my mission reunion as well. It was my first. I served under two  presidents so this was a reunion for the 2nd president, Claudio Zivic. I even made the table decorations for it!
I ran into one of my companions. It was fun getting reacquainted
Here we are with El Presidente and Hermana Zivic.

The food was good and the company was great. I'm so glad that Mom and Dad got to go with us! The next day we watched conference at my Aunt's house and celebrated Dad's birthday. It was fun. Everyone tried out his new neck massager.

How sweet is my Grandma? She is the best! I am excited to celebrate here 90th birthday this Aug. We spent a lot of time playing at Thanksgiving Point Here's a shot of most of the cousins getting eaten at the Museum of Ancient Life.

It was fun having all the kids together. Sal put on an awesome magic show. Here Devon is making coins appear.

It was a wonderful trip and I am excited to see them again in a few months!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...