Sunday, November 2, 2014

Pumpkin time!

Charles picked out his pumpkin with Devon's help. We went to the Felida Red Barn. They had a corn maze and hay maze. We fed the chickens, goats and pigs. It was fun.

Charles designed his pumpkin and then had Daniel help him carve it. By the end he was doing some fun carvings. Lizzy did it all herself. Design and carving. She had lots of intricate designs and though she complained that her hand hurt, she plugged along like a champ.

Here Charles is showing us what the face will look like.

The finished product:

Costumed Escapades

This year we had a costume carnival for Halloween. Daniel helped out in the mad scientist lab.


We went to pick carrots for the Day of service. It was fun and dirty work. The kids loved pulling them out of the ground.

Summer Camp

Lizzy participated in a week long summer camp put on by a family in my ward. She had a blast and each day was themed. First was Science day. They dyed flowers, made a snack with solar power and launched rockets.
Make over day:

Outdoor Day:

Disney day were they had to try the slipper:

And Pajama Day.

She had a great time, I hope they do it again.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Run to Renn

We finally went to a renn faire! The Oregon Renaissance Festival was splendid. I realized that this was the boys first time going so I made them a costume that I think turned out great.
Unfortunately Charles wouldn't wear it at the fest so he has to wear it for Halloween. Because I am cruel like that.  Here's Devon approaching the Queen.

Her Majesty:

Lizzy was knighted and presented to the Queen. the Queen said that she liked her dress and that they matched. Lizzy was so excited.

There was some fighting.


And making merry.

Fighting a knight.

The kids painted the Painted Lady.

And popped gigantic bubbles.

Along with some impressive aerial acrobatics from the High Flying Fools  that Charles and I got to participate in. What happened is Pester was on the ring holding Lucretia by his feet and I put Charles on her stomach and Pester lifted them both up. We had a great time, but had to leave before the joust. I can't wait to go back next year!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...