Friday, May 31, 2013

You'll Never Guess...

So besides my crazy health issues, my life has gotten suddenly very busy. We finally closed on our house and were able to move in! We had some help from our church members. I really appreciated it. When we moved to Vancouver Daniel and a co-worker moved us in by themselves. We have a lot of stuff, as I'm sure you can imagine. Any way, as it was Daniel moved a whole truckful of things to the house alone. We had help for the second load. We have been here for almost 2 weeks now and it is starting to feel like home. I am still looking through boxes for random things and scratching my head on where to put everything and I don't even want to talk about where to hang the pictures! Ugh, but I do feel that things are falling into place. Then Daniel finds out that his company is selling. He shouldn't be affected too much, but he will have a new employer so we'll see all the new challenges that will bring. And most excitedly My sister was finally able to be sealed to her older children! Something that we have been waiting for with bated breath. They opted to be sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple, unfortunately Daniel was not able to attend so he kindly got a family to watch Lizzy and Charles so Devon and I could go with my parents.


It was a wonderful trip and Devon traveled like a dream. I saw my niece get baptized, I got to see my Aunt, Uncle and Grandma's new abode. And got to hold my newest nephew. I was very composed though out the ceremony for the sealing, but I broke down when I started giving hugs. I'm sure my youngest niece was traumatized. Well, that's what aunts are for right? All things considered I thought it was nearly perfect. I just wish Daniel could have been there beside me.
 After I returned home, its been non-stop. The Young Women helped me clean out the apartment. I went to book club and Lizzy's Kindergarten orientation. Ack!
I almost have a kid in school! It's a whole new world. Then the Bishopric came by to check us out. (I hope we passed inspection) Turns out the new Mission home will be down the street from us! Can you imagine? And I just heard that My Grandma had a stroke this morning. She is doing well; her right side is still numb, but she is teasing the staff so I guess that means she is feeling OK. I can't wait for this month to end!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...