Friday, April 26, 2013


So I have had a relatively crazy few months, "why you ask?" Good I'll tell you. (Deep Breath) Well, since having Devon my body has been in revolt. I figured it was my thyroid rearing it's head again, so off I went to the doctor to have it checked. She did the usual questions and I mentioned that one of my symptoms was a near constant head ache. She decided to order full blood work and then if nothing turned up an MRI. So off I went to the lab. The following day I received the results. Everything is decidedly normal. OK, so why am I loosing all my hair and having dramatic weight changes? Classic Thyroid. So I opt to see the Endocrinologist. Well the Endocrinologist said it all looks fine, lets wait 6 weeks and see. Alright. Back to the MRI.  Apparently my prolactin levels were elevated. Normal if you are breast feeding.  So that was what warranted the MRI. My doctor was afraid that the gland was enlarges or has a growth. Yuck!
 I have never had one before and only seen them on television so I had no idea what to expect. It was rather like being at a rock concert. There was a constant bass line and then pulses and vibrations. Kind of like those massage chairs. Crazy. In the end here are my results:

No restricted diffusion to suggest acute ischemia.

Ventricles are symmetric and normal in size. Extra-axial
spaces are normal in size and morphology for the patient's
age. No abnormal intra-axial or extra-axial fluid
collections seen. There is no midline shift or downward
herniation. The midline brain structures are unremarkable.
Pituitary gland is grossly normal. The basal cisterns are

I love that I am "grossly normal" I think that beats Daniel's doctor comment of being "Medically Boring."
So there is no answer except that yes, my body is in revolt. Huzzah.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

While the Cat's Away...

Daniel had to go to Virginia for 2 weeks of training so I decided to Invade my Parent's house in Bremerton! I was ready for some fun! I was not disappointed. Lizzy had been begging to stay at Grandma's for "This Many Days" which involved all her fingers. I was happy to oblige. Unfortunately I left the camera in the car so my pictures of these events are not of the best quality alas.We went  the Bug Museum and the kids museum in Bainbridge Is. called Kidimu. They have a free day each month and we were lucky enough to be there for it. The kids loved it! They have a new home since I was there last and they have made if a real fun space. it is located behind the soon to be Bainbridge Art museum. It's currently under construction.
 We had lunch at a cute little diner down the street called The Streamliner Diner. The food was wonderful and they obliged Lizzy's request for a pear. It was delicious! I would love to go back.

Nothing could be finer then to meet you at the diner....
Anyway, we went to the Art walk downtown Bremerton. Ate cupcakes at Bella Bella Cupcakes. Delish!  Then we played at the park with the cousins, experienced a DI meeting. Destination Imagination is a school club for gifted students. My sister heads up the one for her daughter's school. She had them make a cupcake cake sculpture that didn't quite work out. 
Frosting and fondant everywhere! They had a blast though. It was not all fun and games though, Charles did managed to wound Devon in a gunfight. But he took it well. All in all, A wonderful vacation. Lots of laughs and fun with family. Just what I needed.

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...