Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Going to the Gear Con

So it finally happened, after months of preparation and perspiration, we finally went to Gear Con! In Portland. The kids were so excited! We went to both the Friday and Saturday events. The kids did great and we only got one nasty look form a less then gentleman in a class. The kids were not loud or disruptive at all, but he thought so I guess. I was surprised at how small this con was. Granted this is only my second con, but Steam Con made this one look like a backyard fete. We had a great time though. I especially liked the craft classes. Lizzy and I made note books look aged and we all made test tube specimens. Lizzy and I also made Christmas ornaments.
From 2012-08-21 gearcon
From 2012-08-21 gearcon
  This is how we dressed up on Friday, minus Daniel's fabulous hat. I need to get a picture of that!
From 2012-08-19 Gearcon
 I had used food coloring to dye Daniel's shirt. It worked really well. It's kind of an apple green. I made Lizzy's cameo necklace as well.  Daniel made Charles' gun. Charles wouldn't wear the bow tie, but he still looked rather dapper. On Saturday our apt. complex put on a cowboy themed lunch which we enjoyed. We feasted on hot dogs and played games and won several prizes. Afterward we dressed up in different outfits to go to the con. Here's Daniel's look, I forgot to get a pic of me alas.
From 2012-08-19 Gearcon
Isn't he adorable?  We had fun and came home exhausted, well I did at least, but well satisfied. Unfortunately I didn't get many pictures of the fun costumes, there really wasn't a good place for it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pregnancy woes

I wish to take this moment to complain... feel free to move on if you like. I understand.  Recently I have been contemplating the many joys and pains of being with child. This is difficult having other children to cater to as well. Some how they just don't understand that because I am working on adding to our family I can no longer be treated as a trampoline or jumping off point for their various activities.
"Hello..I have a condition! Don't jump on the baby!" This seems to fall on deaf ears. Or perhaps their ears are running away too quickly to function properly. Alas. But Paramount in my discomfiture is the annoying habit my body has taken up in recent months. Some how my brain decided to give the reigns to my bladder. I did not agree to that! I'm fairly certain the memo was deliberately misplaced. In any event let me illustrate my irritation...
 Picture this... Its night, late, the children outside have finally gone to bed. I have found the most comfortable position in which to rest my weary body when suddenly something wakes me. I look around blearily and realize that everything is kosher and begin to settle back down for the night when my Bladder decides it needs immediate attention! "I must be emptied! NOW!"
"No way It's 3:47 AM. I'm going back to sleep."  I try to resist the urge, but the brain sides firmly with the bladder and I must acquiesce. Alas. But I know that it will only be a temporary state and the rewards are far outreaching the current discomfort. So that's something.

Soft Ball

Our Elder's Quorum hosted a BBQ and softball activity. It was fun and well attended. We had to send people out to buy the paper goods, since the person who was supposed to bring them never showed up. But other then that minor detail, oh and when Charles made a beeline for the busy street nearby, it went rather well!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Visits and Adventures

We were pleased to have the Martins come visit us. We met up at the Lewis-McCord base to witness their annual air show. I left around 8 am and we arrived at the exit for the base around 10, but there was so much traffic it took us nearly 2 hours to exit. Ouch! We finally parked and followed the crowd to where the air show was taking place. It was quite the show! After a brief fainting spell, I went with the Martins through an airplane that was not, I repeat NOT designed for pregnant women. I thought they were going to have to call the fire department to get me out of there, but luckily I was able to squeeze through. Whew! Luckily for you my sister took a picture so you can witness my humiliation first hand. Hooray!
From Desktop
 Tight squeeze indeed. Oh well I lived to tell the tale! We saw some amazing planes and wonderful aerial acrobatics. It was fun. Then on Sunday we went down to the Portland Temple for a tour. I knew the girls had never been to their new visitor center and I was excited to go on a tour of the grounds as well. It was nice. We had a beautiful day and the kids loved being there. I must say though I was disappointed in the tour. The sister Missionaries took us around and didn't really tell us much about the temple at all, but it was nice.
 Then on Monday we visited the Fort here in Vancouver. I always like going there, it's just fun. The gardens were looking beautiful and they had several volunteers helping out. One of the rangers let us try eating a chive blossom. It was very strong, but good. I don't think Taylor enjoyed it.
From 2012-07-28 Martin Visit

 Later I took them to our famous library downtown. It was a fun visit!

Whether the Weather

 Winter in Missouri is a wild ride. We've gone from sub-freezing to 50* in a week. I'm not accustomed to such drastic changes. Here...