Monday, January 13, 2025

Starting with a Bang!

         Just as our winter break was ending, we got snowed in! The school used all but one of their AMI days, or home school online days. It made for a long break.


We did get a pretty visitor. 

        The library is having a reading challenge and we went to get the kids their reward: color changing cups! It was so cold outside that they turned red without anything in them.

We saw these fun tracks in the snow.

        Dia de los Reyes! Of course being cooped up for an extra week comes with consequences, mostly being the kids have a hard time letting out their restlessness in effective ways. Case in point: Emily was annoyed with Henry's attention and she shoved him into the bookcase causing his head to split open. Joy. Luckily it wasn't too deep, and the snowdays gave him plenty of time to heal before returning to school. 
        I tried a new recipe for our Kings Cake. This is a french recipe, and got some rave reviews from most of the family. Lizzy once again found the baby. This time I used a small metal thing to represent the baby.  

Snow Day!

Our window got some pretty snow art.

Teddy's face got chapped in the brief time he was out in the cold.

We dared the snowfall and took the kids to Home Depot.

        Lizzy got a concussion during practice so she was out for a week. She's doing great, but she did black out and see stars for a bit. She was more disturbed that she couldn't practice. She didn't miss to much though since we got 14 in of snow cancelling all the wrestling events.

Our first art project!

New Years!

     The Blacks came over to play games and spend the day on New Year's eve. Ron also was able to join us for a bit. It was fun. Jason was attacked nearly upon entering the house!

He was prepared though and emerged victorious!

Later we did our crackers to ring in the new year.

        I am glad the year has come to an end. It was long and so much has happened. I am ready for a new one full of possibilities and new adventures. May 2025 bring you so much happiness!

Post Holiday Events

 The primary made these cute ornaments for the kids.

I got to attend my FoE Jane Austen LARP

Our talented leader made this picture of our event.

While I was thus engaged, (finding out my best friend was a smuggler! Among other exciting events) the rest of my family went to see the famed lights.

Lizzy and Henry put together some pokemon lego.

Date Night

         Daniel and I had tickets to Knights of Lights. It was a cold night, but so fun. We played mini golf, and I won! We watched a few of the acts. These jugglers were so funny. 

I loved listening to these musicians. They played a few of my favorite christmas songs.

Starting with a Bang!

            Just as our winter break was ending, we got snowed in! The school used all but one of their AMI days, or home school online days...